Anna Sofia Guerra

Peer Mentor (2023-2024)


Major and Minor

Psychological & Brain Sciences

Minor in Statistical Science


Campus Involvements

SUP Social Media Co-chair, Tri-Alpha member, Undergraduate Researcher in the Reimer Lab, Undergraduate Researcher in the Lapate Lab, Access Grads Mentee, Intercollegiate Athletics Desk Attendant



Anna Sofia is a first-generation, third-year undergraduate at UCSB. She was born in Tijuana, Mexico, and grew up in Ventura, California. Her involvement at UCSB heavily surrounds her love for neuroscience and research psychology. Outside of school she enjoys a good book, re-watching Rick and Morty, and mindlessly scrolling through Depop.


First-Gen Advice

It would be ridiculous to expect anyone to be able to navigate new experiences as if they were already skilled experts, so don't put those expectations on yourself. There are so many people ready to help and support you throughout your college journey - take advantage of that fact and build your community. And buy yourself a yummy little treat every now and then.