Allan Ai

Peer Mentor


Majors and Minor

Biopsychology & Feminist Studies

Minor in Spanish


Campus Involvements

A.S. Trans and Queer Commission (TQComm)



艾延宇, or Allan, is a second year international student majoring in Biopsychology and Feminist Studies and also learning Spanish as his third language. He was born and raised in Shenzhen, China (PCR). At UCSB, other than courseworks, he serves as a Peer Mentor at the ONDAS Student Center and the International Students Engagement Coordinator at the A.S. Trans and Queer Commission. While mainly focusing on Biopsychology, Allan is also passionate about obtaining more insights from Feminist Studies and contributes to the LGBTQ community at UCSB. In his free time, he likes listening to music, such as Lana Del Rey, Bjork, and Caroline Polacheck. He enjoys travelling and making friends with different people with various backgrounds as well!


First-Gen Advice

Being a first-gen student can be very stressful, especially if you are also international, part of the LGBTQIA+ community, from a low-income background, and/or people of color. However, and foremostly, you are not the only one experiencing all this; there are folks at UCSB sharing the same situation with you. With that being said, the first advice we can give is to connect with them. Finding the people who can relate to you really helps you to overcome your struggles. Secondly, it is always important to take initiative to seek help or reach out to the abundant resources at UCSB. This institution is resourcesful, and you paid for these resources! So don't waste it. Last but not least, it is okay to relac and enjoy your college life other than studying and working! Going to parties and having fun with your friends is also part of your life here.